Definition 2025





caurspīdīgs (def. caurspīdīgais, comp. caurspīdīgāks, sup. viscaurspīdīgākais; adv. caurspīdīgi)

  1. transparent, see-through (such that light passes through it relatively undisturbed; such that one can see through it)
    caurspīdīgs šķidrumstransparent liquid
    caurspīdīgs papīrstransparent paper
    caurspīdīgs audumstransparent, see-through fabric
    caurspīdīgs stiklstransparent glass
    caurspīdīgi aizkaritransparent, see-through curtains
    caurspīdīgs auglistransparent fruit (i.e., very clear and juicy)
    ūdens bija tik caurspīdīgs, ka visdziļākajā vietā skaidri varēja redzēt dibenu ― the water was so transparent that in the deepest places one could clearly see the bottom
    maizes šķēli klāja meuds kārta, tik caurspīdīga, ka saredzamas pat maizes šūnas ― a layer of honey covered the bread slices, so transparent that the bread pores were visible
  2. (figuratively, of skin, face, hands) very pale
    caurspīdīga ādatransparent skin
    Ilga bija tumšmate, saulē nodegušu, apaļu seju, bet Līvija... iegarenu, caurspīdīgi bālu seju kā alabastrs ― Ilga was a brunette, with a round, sunburnt face, but Livija... (had) an elongated, transparently pale skin like alabaster




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