Definition 2025




Riņķa līnijas centrs (1)


centrs m (1st declension)

  1. (mathematics, physics) center (a notable or important point in a mathematical or physical body)
    riņķa līnijas centrs ― circle center
    rotācijas centrs ― rotation center
    simetrijas centrs ― symmetry center
    lodes centrscenter of a sphere
    elipses centrs ― ellipse center
    smaguma centrscenter' of gravity
  2. center, mid, middle, middle point
    atrasties grupas centrā ― to be located in the center of the group
    centra uzbrucējscenter forward (football player)
    varavīksnenes centrā atrodas apaļas formas zīlīte ― in the center of the iris is located the round-shaped pupil
  3. center (administratively or economically important part of a certain territory)
    republikas centrs ― the center of the Republic
    rajona centrs ― the center of the district
    pilsētas centrs ― city center
    Rīgas centrs ― Riga's center, downtown Riga (also a district of Riga)
    ciemata centrs ― village center
    lauku centrs ― rural center (locality serving a rural area)
    Mārcis gāja uz centru, kur atradās skola, tiesas nams, lielākās mājas ― Mācis went to the (city) center, where a school, a court house and the largest buildings were located
  4. center (an important urban area)
    viņi runāja par Brazīliju, kuras lielākos centros Toms bija bijis ― they were talking about Brazil, to whose larger centers Toms had been
  5. center (the main or leading part of a system)
    uz vienas no peldošajām bāzēm atrodas kopējais vadošais centrs, kas savukārt apvieno un vada visu zvejas flotiļu darbu ― in one of the floating bases is located the general control center, which unites and manages the work of the whole fishing fleet
  6. center (place, institution, organization in which a certain field of activity or its administration is concentrated)
    zinātnes centrs ― scientific center
    mākslas centrs ― arts center
    rūpniecības centrs ― industrial center
    tirdzniecības centrs ― commercial center
    republikas kardioloģiskais centrs ― the Republic's cardiology center
  7. (of mental activities) center (the main focus or object)
    būt sarunu centrā ― to be (lit. to be in) the center of the conversation
    atrasties uzmanības centrā ― to be (lit. to be in) the center of attention
  8. center (part of the central nervous system that leads and regulates a certain organ or group of organs in the body)
    redzes, dzirdes centrs ― vision, hearing center
    kustību centrs ― motion center
    elpošanas centrs ― respiratory center
    runas centrs ― speech center
    zemgarozas centri ― subcortical centers
  9. (politics) center (party, group of parties or political movement that, by their ideas and program, is seen as between the left- and right-wing parties)
    centra koalīcijacentral coalition
    saskaņas centrs ― harmony center (name of a current Latvian political party)



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