Definition 2025





cepetis m (2nd declension)

  1. roast (a sizeable piece of meat roasted or broiled in an oven)
    cūkas, teļa cepetis ― pig, veal roast
    cepeti sagriež šķēlēs ― they cut the roast up into slices
    mēs ejam pie galda, kur mūs gaida jēra cepetis ar baltiem, miltainiem kartupeļiem ― we go by the table, where a lamb roast with white, floury potatoes wait for us
  2. roast (a small animal or bird roasted or broiled in an oven)
    vistas, pīles, tītara cepetis ― chicken, duck, turkey roast
    zaķa cepetis ― rabbit roast
    “vai zoss cepeti arī nest?” jautāja meita, ienākusi ar jaunu ēdienu kravu ― “are they carrying also the goose roast?” the girl asked, coming with a new load of food


Derived terms