Definition 2025
Kaļķu ceplis
ceplis m (2nd declension)
- oven, kiln, furnace (a heated chamber for the purpose of hardening, burning, calcining or drying something)
- kaļķu ceplis ― lime kiln
- kieģeļu ceplis ― brick kiln, oven
- bagātīgi apgleznotās vāzes un dekoratīvos šķīvjus mākslinieks apdedzina keramikas cepļos ― the artist baked beautifully painted vases and decorative plates in the ceramic kiln, oven
- kāds saimnieciņš no cepļa bij nozadzis divus vezumus ķieģeļu ― some peasant had stolen two cartloads of bricks from the kiln, oven
- kaļķu ceplis celts ap 1890. gadu, un te apstrādā dolomītu... iegūtos kaļķus lieto celtniecībai ― the lime kiln was built around 1890, and dolomite was processed in it... the lime produced (in it) was used in construction
Declension of ceplis (2nd declension)