Definition 2024





cibophobia (uncountable)

  1. The fear of, or aversion to, eating or food.
    • 1981, M. J. Renaer, Chronic Pelvic Pain in Women, Spring-Verlag (1981), ISBN 9780387106083, page 134:
      The pain pattern is so intimately related to the ingestion of food that the patient will reduce the size of meals, become reluctant to eat, and even develop frank cibophobia.
    • 1993, Marion Eugene Ensminger & Audrey H. Ensminger, Foods & Nutrition Encyclopedia, Two Volume Set, CRC Press (1993), ISBN 0849389801, page 423:
      Cibophobia differs from anorexia since appetite may persist but the pearson fears eating because of some associated or subsequent discomfort.
    • 2013, Max Hill, "Fear Factor", The Peak (Simon Fraser University), Volume 145, Issue 9, 28 October 2013, page 15:
      This condition arises from cheese-related trauma (I'll leave it up to you to imagine what this might entail) and it's often considered a subcategory of cibophobia.

See also