Definition 2025




Alternative forms


clueō (present infinitive cluēre); second conjugation, no perfect

  1. I am called or named.
  2. I am reputed.


   Conjugation of clueo (second conjugation, defective)
indicative singular plural
first second third first second third
active present clueō cluēs cluet cluēmus cluētis cluent
imperfect cluēbam cluēbās cluēbat cluēbāmus cluēbātis cluēbant
future cluēbō cluēbis cluēbit cluēbimus cluēbitis cluēbunt
passive present clueor cluēris, cluēre cluētur cluēmur cluēminī cluentur
imperfect cluēbar cluēbāris, cluēbāre cluēbātur cluēbāmur cluēbāminī cluēbantur
future cluēbor cluēberis, cluēbere cluēbitur cluēbimur cluēbiminī cluēbuntur
subjunctive singular plural
first second third first second third
active present clueam clueās clueat clueāmus clueātis clueant
imperfect cluērem cluērēs cluēret cluērēmus cluērētis cluērent
passive present cluear clueāris, clueāre clueātur clueāmur clueāminī clueantur
imperfect cluērer cluērēris, cluērēre cluērētur cluērēmur cluērēminī cluērentur
imperative singular plural
first second third first second third
active present cluē cluēte
future cluētō cluētō cluētōte cluentō
passive present cluēre cluēminī
future cluētor cluētor cluentor
non-finite forms active passive
present perfect future present perfect future
infinitives cluēre cluērī
participles cluēns cluendus
verbal nouns gerund supine
nominative genitive dative/ablative accusative accusative ablative
cluēre cluendī cluendō cluendum

Derived terms


  • clueo in Charlton T. Lewis and Charles Short (1879) A Latin Dictionary, Oxford: Clarendon Press
  • clueo in Charlton T. Lewis (1891) An Elementary Latin Dictionary, New York: Harper & Brothers
  • Félix Gaffiot (1934), “clueo”, in Dictionnaire Illustré Latin-Français, Paris: Hachette.
  • Meissner, Carl; Auden, Henry William (1894) Latin Phrase-Book, London: Macmillan and Co.
    • to drain the cup of poison: poculum mortis (mortiferum) exhaurire (Cluent. 11. 31)
    • to carry out the funeral obsequies: funus alicui facere, ducere (Cluent. 9. 28)
    • to try to divine a person's disposition: animos tentare (Cluent. 63. 176)
    • to recover from one's fright: a metu respirare (Cluent. 70. 200)
    • to make a person waver in his loyalty: fidem alicuius labefactare (Cluent. 60. 194)
    • to hurt some one's feelings: offendere apud aliquem (Cluent. 23. 63)
    • to take a false step in a thing; to commit an indiscretion: offendere in aliqua re (Cluent. 36. 98)
    • to have business relations with some one: contrahere rem or negotium cum aliquo (Cluent. 14. 41)
    • to demand an account, an audit of a matter: rationem ab aliquo reptere de aliqua re (Cluent. 37. 104)
    • to brand a person with infamy: notare aliquem ignominia (Cluent. 43. 119)