1884, Wilkie Collins, Mr. Lepel and the Housekeeper, First Epoch:
[H]e dropped from his seat at my side, like a man struck dead. The stifling heat in the theater had proved too much for him. We carried him out at once into the fresh air. When he came to his senses, my friend entreated me to leave him, and see the end of the play.
The accident sent Bahutule into coma straight away. When he came to his senses, he lay in bed with a fractured right femur bone and a crushed left elbow.
(idiomatic) To become reasonable, comprehending, or responsible, especially after having behaved in an unreasonable, uncomprehending, or irresponsible manner.
Dick had not been altogether in his right senses. . . . He found his mother weeping as though her heart would break; whereat his own heart smote him so that he came to his senses there and then, and knelt in humility and shame at her feet.