Definition 2025





competitivity (plural competitivities)

  1. competitiveness
    • 1962, "Britain's Export Trade with Canada. Canadian Studies in Economics: No. 12" (Review), Angus Maddison, The Economic Journal, Vol. 72, No. 286. (Jun., 1962), pp. 395, URL: JSTOR
      It would throw further light on the inter-relation of competitivity and growth if we had a similar structural analysis of British performance in a more slowly performing market.
    • 2000, Sylvain Gandon and Yannis Michalakis, "Evolution of Parasite Virulence against Qualitative or Quantitative Host Resistance," Proceedings: Biological Sciences, page 986, Vol. 267, No. 1447. (May 22, 2000), pp. 985-990, URL: JSTOR.
      Parasites compete within hosts and their level of competitivity is v.
    • 2002, Horst Lüddecke, "Association between Breeding Cycle and Male Body Condition in Hyla labialis," Journal of Herpetology, page 613, Vol. 36, No. 4. (Dec., 2002), pp. 607-614.,
      Because factors like the social environment at the pond and competitivity for females may also play a role in a male's decision to stay or leave,the rules for change in individual behavior may be more complex and more plastic than those that guide the start and end of the annual reproductive cycle.