Alternative forms
consumer price index (uncountable)
- (economics) A statistical estimate of the level of prices of goods and services bought for consumption purposes by households.
Coordinate terms
statistical estimate of the level of prices
- Arabic:
- Chinese:
- Mandarin: 消費者物價指數, 消费者物价指数 (xiāofèizhě wùjià zhǐshù), 消費價格指數 (zh), 消费价格指数 (zh) (xiāofèi jiàgé zhǐshù), 居民消費價格指數 (zh), 居民消费价格指数 (zh) (jūmín xiāofèi jiàgé zhǐshù)
- Czech: index spotřebitelských cen m
- Dutch: consumentenprijsindex (nl) m
- Finnish: kuluttajahintaindeksi (fi)
- French: indice des prix à la consommation m
- German: Lebenshaltungskostenindex m, Verbraucherpreisindex m
- Hungarian: fogyasztói árindex (hu)
- Italian: indice prezzi al consumo
- Japanese: 消費者物価指数 (しょうひしゃぶっかしすう, shōhisha bukka shisū)
- Norwegian:
- Bokmål: konsumprisindeks m
- Nynorsk: konsumprisindeks m
- Russian: и́ндекс потреби́тельских цен m (índeks potrebítelʹskix cen)
- Spanish: índice de precios al consumo m
- Swedish: konsumentprisindex (sv) n
- Ukrainian: