Definition 2025





cybertext (plural cybertexts)

  1. (countable, uncountable) Text on a computer, particularly hypertext
    • 1999, Wita Wojtkowski, Systems development methods for databases, enterprise modeling, and workflow management:
      The sense of mystory[sic] opens up for academics the conceptual space of allowing students a singular journey through a cybertext.
    • 2002, Cheryl J Fish, Yi-Chun Tricia Lin, Women's studies then and now:
      Cybertext may promote such a strong feeling of distance between readers, writers, and texts that referentiality to material conditions is downplayed. The very physical act of holding a book and turning its pages-in a sense, much more interactive than clicking a mouse []
  2. (uncountable) Mutually interactive, technologically enhanced text as described by Aareth.
    • 2005, Eva Müller-Zettelmann, Margarete Rubik, Theory into poetry: new approaches to the lyric:
      Procedural and generative cybertext work undermines the concept of authorship and encourages the discussion about 'cyborg authorship'

See also