Definition 2024





deerslaughter (uncountable)

  1. (rare) The killing of a deer, the slaughter of deer; cervicide.
    • 1883, Lippincott's Monthly Magazine: A Popular Journal of General Literature
      Some centuries ago, in the royal forests of England the penalty was higher for deerslaughter than for manslaughter; but that was unreasonable, and the present arrangement shows the progress of law-reform.
    • 1971, Ramparts
      They have behaved badly: charges against them now stand at murder of one kitten, chickenslaughter in the second degree, deerslaughter in the first degree, conspiracy to kill more deer, attempted murder of a goat (two overt acts), ...
    • 2009, Nate Jordon, Various, Monkey Puzzle #6, Monkey Puzzle Press (ISBN 9780980165012), page 7
      ... until I noticed a mangled carcass splayed across the breakdown lane, decided to stop and inspect it and took notes on the anatomy of victims of vehicular deerslaughter.
