Definition 2025





dēnuō (not comparable)

  1. anew, afresh, again
    • 405 CE, Jerome, Vulgate Ioannes.3.7
      Non mireris quia dixi tibi oportet vos nasci denuo.[2]
      You should not be surprised at my saying, 'You must be born again.'[3]
  2. a second time, once again, once more, again
  3. anything which is repeated, once more, again
    • c. 254 BCE – 184 BCE, Plautus, Amphitryon 2.95
      SOSIA: Animum advorte. nunc licet mihi libere quidvis loqui. Amphitruonis ego sum servos Sosia.
      MERCURY: Etiam denuo?
      SOSIA: Then give attention: now I'm at liberty to say in freedom anything I please. I am Sosia, servant of Amphitryon.
      MERCURY: What, again?
    • c. 254 BCE – 184 BCE, Plautus, Menaechmi
      Ecce, Apollo, denuo, me iubes facere impetum in eum qui stat atque occidere. Sed quis hic est qui me capillo hínc de curru deripit? Imperium tuom demutat atque edictum Apollinis.[4]
      Lo! again, Apollo, thou dost bid me to make an onset against him who is standing here, and to murder him. But what person is this that is tearing me hence by the hair down from the chariot? He revokes thy commands and the decree of Apollo.[5]
  4. (colloquial) again, where an action is reversed


  • (again, anew): ab integro
  • (a second time): iterum
  • (anything that is repeated): rursus


  1. Perseus project
  2. Latin version
  3. New Internation Version