Definition 2025





deusaith m, f (ordinal deuseithfed)

  1. fourteen
    • 1714: unknown author, unknown poem, final four lines
      Un Mil seithgant a scrifennant
      A deu saith mlwydd, oed ein Harglwydd
      Os bydd holiad pwy wnai’r Caniad,
      Rhyw wael Gristion, dyna ddigon.
      One thousand seven hundred they wrote
      And fourteen years, our Lord’s age
      If there be query who made the call,
      Some poor Christian, that is all.
    • 1958: David James Bowen, Gruffudd Hiraethog a’i Oes, page 28 (Gwasg Prifysgol Cymru)
      Deusaith yn cynnal alaeth,
      A Duw â’r pymthegfed aeth . . .
      Fourteen holding a lament,
      And God with the fifteenth went . . .


  • (fourteen): pedwar ar ddeg m, pedair ar ddeg f (“four on ten”, vigesimal); un deg pedwar (“one ten four”, decimal)


Welsh mutation
radical soft nasal aspirate
deusaith ddeusaith neusaith unchanged
Note: Some of these forms may be hypothetical. Not every
possible mutated form of every word actually occurs.