Webster 1913 Edition



One who directs; a director.
Directer plane
the plane to which all right-lined elements in a warped surface are parallel.

Webster 1828 Edition



A director, which see.

Definition 2025






  1. comparative form of direct: more direct
    • 1589, George Puttenham, The Arte of English Poesie:
      But by this figure [Noema] the obscurity of the sence lieth not in a single word, but in an entier speech, whereof we do not so easily conceiue the meaning, but as it were by coniecture, because it is wittie and subtile or darke, which makes me therefore call him in our vulgar the [Close conceit] as he that said by himselfe and his wife, I thanke God in fortie winters that we haue liued together, neuer any of our neighbours set vs at one, meaning that they neuer fell out in all that space, which had bene the directer speech and more apert, and yet by intendment amounts all to one, being neuerthelesse dissemblable and in effect contrary.
    • 1895, William Dean Howells, My Literary Passions:
      I will own that I am rather glad that sort of thing seems to be out of fashion now, and I think the directer and franker methods of modern fiction will forbid its revival.
    • 1916, T. R. Glover, The Jesus of History:
      Paul puts the same in directer language; sin reduces men to a position where they are "alienated from the life of God" (Eph. 4:18; Col. 1:21), "without God in the world" (Eph. 2:12), "enemies of God" (Rom. 5:10; Col. 1:21); but he does not say more than Jesus implies.


directer (plural directers)

  1. Archaic form of director.
    • 1809, The European Magazine, and London Review (volume 55, page 174)
      A rule, according to the sense affixed to it by canonists and moralists, is a guide to discipline, and a directer of the conduct.