Definition 2025





dissensus (usually uncountable, plural dissensuses)

  1. Disagreement, especially when widespread.
    • 1874, Edmund Spiess, “Comparative Study of Religions, in Its Bearing upon Christian Apologetics”, in Philip Schaff and S[amuel] Irenæus Prime, editors, History, Essays, Orations, and Other Documents of the Sixth General Conference of the Evangelical Alliance, Held in New York, October 2–12, 1873, New York, N.Y.: Harper & Brothers, publishers, Franklin Square, OCLC 6596756, page 310:
      Now it is apparent that neither the consensus of Christianity with other religions, nor its dissensus from them, nor the absolute or relative superiority which we claim for it, can be made evident without a thorough and methodical comparison of all religions.
    • 1998, Gregg Barak, editor, Integrative Criminology (International Library of Criminology, Criminal Justice & Penology), Aldershot, Hampshire; Brookfield, Vt.: Ashgate Publishing, ISBN 978-1-84014-008-8, page 569:
      Underlying a real and culturally meaningful general consensus about the wrongness of rape, there can indeed be many contextual dissensuses about rape being okay. Only when we allow a reified conception of consensus to drive out the nuanced understanding in the ethnographic literature of the way people talk when they accuse and excuse crime do we see consensus-dissensus as being an "insoluble inconsistency" ([Christopher] Uggen at 496) at the foundation of the theory.
    • 2006, Virginia A. Hettinger; Stefanie A. Lindquist; Wendy L. Martinek, “Horizontal and Vertical Dissensus”, in Judging on a Collegial Court: Influences on Federal Appellate Decision Making (Constitutionalism and Democracy), University of Virginia Press, ISBN 978-0-8139-2518-9, page 5:
      In this chapter, we explore two forms of dissensus. The first is horizontal dissensus, or that which occurs within a three-judge panel on the courts of appeals. Judges signal this form of dissensus by writing separate opinions that take the form of a dissent or concurrence. The second is vertical dissensus, which occurs when a court of appeals panel disagrees with the lower court over the proper resolution of the case. This form of dissensus is observed when the court of appeals reverses the lower court's decision, either in whole or in part.
    • 2014, Kari Palonen; José María Rosales; Tapani Turkka, “Introduction: The Parliamentary Politics of Dissensus”, in Kari Palonen, José María Rosales, and Tapani Turkka, editors, The Politics of Dissensus: Parliament in Debate (Social Sciences & Humanities; 2), Santander: Cantabria University Press; [Madrid]: McGraw-Hill Interamericana de España, ISBN 978-84-8102-705-1, page 3:
      Certainly parliamentary politics is indebted to the rhetorical culture of addressing issues from opposite views and debating the alternatives pro et contra. In parliamentary procedure dissensus and debate are institutionalised: no motion is approved without a thorough examination of and confrontation among imaginable alternatives.

See also



  • (Classical) IPA(key): /disˈsen.sus/, [dɪsˈsẽː.sʊs]


dissēnsus m (genitive dissēnsūs); fourth declension

  1. disagreement, quarrel
  2. dissension, conflict


Fourth declension.

Case Singular Plural
nominative dissēnsus dissēnsūs
genitive dissēnsūs dissēnsuum
dative dissēnsuī dissēnsibus
accusative dissēnsum dissēnsūs
ablative dissēnsū dissēnsibus
vocative dissēnsus dissēnsūs



dissēnsus m (feminine dissēnsa, neuter dissēnsum); first/second declension

  1. different
  2. differing


First/second declension.

Number Singular Plural
Case / Gender Masculine Feminine Neuter Masculine Feminine Neuter
nominative dissēnsus dissēnsa dissēnsum dissēnsī dissēnsae dissēnsa
genitive dissēnsī dissēnsae dissēnsī dissēnsōrum dissēnsārum dissēnsōrum
dative dissēnsō dissēnsō dissēnsīs
accusative dissēnsum dissēnsam dissēnsum dissēnsōs dissēnsās dissēnsa
ablative dissēnsō dissēnsā dissēnsō dissēnsīs
vocative dissēnse dissēnsa dissēnsum dissēnsī dissēnsae dissēnsa
