Definition 2025





dzidrums m (1st declension)

  1. clearness (the quality of that which is clear, shiny, transparent)
    gaisa dzidrums ― the clarity of the air
    visi nāca nogaršot ūdeni, slavēja tā vēsumu, dzidrumu un labo garšu ― all came to taste the water (and) praised its coolness, clearness and good taste
    pēc dzidruma pakāpes dzintaru iedala 5 pamattipos ― by degree of clearness, amber is classified into 5 basic types
    dzidrums tumšajās acīs neapdzisa arī tad, kad viņa tās nolaida zemāk ― the clarity in (her) dark eyes did not go out even when she lowered them
  2. (of colors) clearness, purity (lack of admixture of other colors)
    krāsu dzidrums ― color clearness, purity
  3. (of sounds) clarity, clearness, sonorousness, melodiousness
    balss dzidrums ― the clearness, sonorousness, melodiousness of a voice
    ko viņam palīdz tā valdzinošā saskaņa... tā dziedošā melodija, kas sasaista visas šķietamās disonanses; tas skanošais dzidrums ― how this enchanting harmony helped him... this singing melody which connects all apparent dissonances; this sonorous clearness



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