Definition 2025



See also: eksistencē



eksistence f (5th declension)

  1. existence, living, life, subsistence, survival (the fact of existing, of being or staying alive)
    hipotēze par dzīvības eksistenci uz citām planētām ― a hypothesis on the existence of life on other planets
    nodrošināta eksistence ― secure, protected existence
    eksistences apstākļiexistence, subsistence conditions
    eksistences līdzekļi ― means of subsistence
    eksistences cīņaexistential struggle, struggle for life
    eksistences minimumsexistence minimum (i.e., lowest income level necessary for existence)
    no šīs uzvaras pār hitlerisko Vāciju bija atkarīga mūsu eksistence ― our existence, survival was dependent on this victory over Hitlerist Germany
    noteicošie vides apstākļi, no kā tieši ir atkarīga zivju eksistence ūdenī, ir: skābekļa daudzums ūdenī, ūdens temperatūra, barības krājumi,... ― determining environmental conditions from which depends the existence, survival of fish in water are: the amount of oxygen in water, the water temperature, the food supplies,...



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