Definition 2025



See also: elpā



elpa f (4th declension)

  1. breath, breathing (the air that is breathed in or out, or the act of breathing itself)
    aizturēt elpu ― to hold one's breath
    atgūt elpu ― to recover one's breath
    vilkt, ievilkt, atvilkt elpu ― to draw breath
    redzēt elpu ― to see one's breath (when it is cold)
    elpas trukums ― shortness of breath
    būt bez elpas ― to be out of breath, breathless
  2. slow, subtle air movement or puff of air, especially one that transmits smells or aromas
    rožu, ziedu elpa ― the breath (= aroma) of flowers, roses
    zemes, tīrumu, ūdeņu elpa ― land, field, water breath (= air, smell)
    gaisā jūtama pavasara elpa ― one could feel the breath (= aroma) of spring in the air
  3. that which subtly characterises; atmosphere, ambiance, spirit
    laikmeta elpa ― the atmosphere, spirit of an era



Derived terms