encoding (plural encodings)
- (computing) The way in which symbols are mapped onto bytes, e.g. in the rendering of a particular font, or in the mapping from keyboard input into visual text.
- A conversion of plain text into a code or cypher form (for decoding by the recipient).
Derived terms
- font encoding
- input encoding
See also
character encoding (computing)
- Japanese: エンコーディング (enkōdingu), 文字コード (moji-kōdo)
- Korean: 인코딩 (inkoding)
- Polish: kodowanie (pl) n
- Portuguese: codificação (pt) f
- Russian: (result) кодиро́вка (ru) f (kodiróvka), набо́р си́мволов m (nabór símvolov); (process) коди́рование (ru) n (kodírovanije)
- Spanish: codificación (es) f
- Swedish: kodning c
- Vietnamese: biên mã (編碼)
- present participle of encode
1988 March 1, “Isolation and analysis of the gene encoding peripheral myelin protein zero”, in Neuron, DOI:10.1016/0896-6273(88)90211-5, page 73:- We have isolated the gene encoding the Schwann cell glycoprotein P0, the major structural protein of the peripheral myelin sheath.