Webster 1913 Edition



a sparing or saving; a treasury. “Our épergne is a little
of sweetmeats, fruits, and flowers.”
A centerpiece for table decoration, usually consisting of several dishes or receptacles of different sizes grouped together in an ornamental design.

Definition 2024



See also: épergne


Epergne, Thomas Pitts I, London, 1761 - Nelson-Atkins Museum of Art.

Alternative forms


epergne (plural epergnes)

  1. A table centerpiece, usually made of silver, generally consisting of a central bowl with radiating dishes or holders.
    • 1942, Emily Carr, The Book of Small, “Mrs. Crane,”
      But I did like a lot of her things—the vase in the middle of the dining-room table for instance. Helen called it Mama's “epergne”. It was a two-storey thing of glass and silver and was always full of choice flowers, pure white geraniums that one longed to stroke and kiss to see if they were real, fat begonias and big heavy-headed fuchsias.
    • 1959, Georgette Heyer, chapter 1, in The Unknown Ajax:
      But Richmond [] appeared to lose himself in his own reflections. Some pickled crab, which he had not touched, had been removed with a damson pie; and his sister saw, peeping around the massive silver epergne that almost obscured him from her view, that he had eaten no more than a spoonful of that either.