field hospital (plural field hospitals)
- A large mobile medical unit that temporarily takes care of casualties before they can be safely transported to more permanent hospital facilities.
medical unit
- Arabic:
- Chinese:
- Mandarin: 野戰醫院, 野战医院 (yězhàn yīyuàn)
- Czech: polní nemocnice f
- Dutch: veldhospitaal (nl)
- Finnish: kenttäsairaala (fi)
- French: hôpital de campagne m
- German: Feldlazarett (de)
- Hungarian: tábori kórház
- Indonesian: rumah sakit lapangan
- Irish: ospidéal machaire m
- Italian: ospedale da campo
- Japanese: 野外病院 (やがいびょういん, yagai byōin)
- Korean:
- Norwegian: lasarett
- Polish: szpital polowy m
- Portuguese: hospital de campo m
- Russian: полево́й госпита́ль m (polevój gospitálʹ)
- Spanish: hospital de campaña m
- Swedish: fältsjukhus n
- Vietnamese: