
kinship relations
first cousin once removed (plural first cousins once removed)
- A first cousin's child.
- A parent's first cousin.
child of a first cousin
- Esperanto: (male) prakuzo, (female) prakuzino
- Faroese: annar og triðji m
- French: petit cousin germain (fr) m, petite cousine germaine (fr) f
- Japanese: いとこ違い, いとこ甥 (male), いとこ姪 (female)
- Norwegian: fetterbarn n (child of male first cousin), kusinebarn n (child of female first cousin)
first cousin of a parent
- Faroese: triðji og annar m
- Japanese: いとこ違い, いとこおじ (ja) (male), いとこおば (ja) (female)
- Russian: двоюродный дядя (dvojúrodnyj djádja) m (male first cousin of one's father), двоюродная тётя (dvojúrodnaja tjótja) f (female first cousin of one's father), двоюродный дядя (dvojúrodnyj djádja) m (male first cousin of one's mother), двоюродная тётя (dvojúrodnaja tjótja) f (female first cousin of one's mother)
- Spanish: tío segundo m, tía segunda f