Alternative forms

Fish and chips
fish and chips (uncountable)
- A meal of fish fried in batter and served with chips (fried potatoes), popular throughout the Anglosphere, especially in coastal regions.
Usage notes
- Even in areas, such as the US, where chips are called “fries,” this dish is still referred to as “fish and chips.”
a meal of fried fish and potatoes
- Arabic: سمك وبطاطس مقلية
- Chinese:
- Mandarin: 炸魚薯條, 炸鱼薯条 (zháyú shǔtiáo)
- Finnish: fish and chips
- French: fish and chips (fr) m, fish 'n' chips m, poisson-frites m, poisson frit avec des frites m
- German: Bratfisch mit Pommes frites m, Fish and Chips m
- Icelandic: djúpsteiktur fiskur med frönskum m
- Japanese: フィッシュ・アンド・チップス (fisshu-ando-chippusu)
- Korean: 피시앤드칩스 (pisi-aendeu-chipseu)
- Persian: فیش اند چیپس (fiš-and-čips)
- Polish: ryba z frytkami f
- Portuguese: peixe com batatas fritas m
- Russian: ры́ба и чи́псы (rýba i čípsy), ры́ба с жа́реным карто́фелем (rýba s žárenym kartófelem), чи́псы (ru) m pl (čípsy)
- Volapük: fit e loetapötetüls
- Welsh: pysgodyn a sglodion
See also