Definition 2025





fixie (plural fixies)

  1. (informal) A fixed-gear bicycle.
    • 1992 August 2, Keppel, David, “``Tripping bicycles and motorcycles (was Re: Bicycle helmets)”, in rec.bicycles, Usenet, retrieved 2016-07-15, message-ID <<>>:
      A number of couriers in NYC use `fixies' -- fixed-gear bikes with no brakes.
    • 2013, Gordon Young, Teardown: Memoir of a Vanishing City (page 107)
      Coming from San Francisco, where gentrification swept through neighborhoods faster than hipster trends like fixies, tattoos, and retro eighties wardrobes, I didn't think Erin had anything to worry about.
    • 2014 April 12, Claire Martin, “How a bicycle maker saw the light, and found its balance”, in The New York Times:
      [F]ixed-gear bikes, or "fixies," cycles that have one speed and are built without the free-wheel equipment that keeps a regular bicycle's pedals stationary while the tires are in motion.
