Definition 2025
flugaparato (accusative singular flugaparaton, plural flugaparatoj, accusative plural flugaparatojn)
- aircraft, airplane, flying machine
- Li sukcese aviadis la malnovaj kaj misfunkcanta flugaparato panalteriĝi sub la plaĝo.
- He successfully piloted the old and malfunctioning 'airplane to crash land upon the beach.
Usage notes
The Esperanto words aviadilo, flugaparato, and flugmaŝino all technically mean a flying machine and thus can be used to mean any type of aircraft, they normally are used to mean airplane. In this sense, they are interchangeable with aeroplano and avio, which refer specifically to an airplane. However (based on the Esperanto version of Google, searching only pages in Esperanto) in terms of aviadilo and aeroplano are the most often used, followed in order by flugmaŝino, flugaparato, and avio. An early Esperanto word to describe aircraft, flugveturilo (literally flying travel device) is now only rarely used, yielding less than 100 hits on the Esperanto version of Google. Some Esperantists prefer aviadilo to aeroplano because it is viewed to be too much of an anglicism.