Definition 2025
gå på
See also: gapa
gå på (present går på, preterite gick på, supine gått på, imperative gå på)
- attend; be present at an event or a series of events, such as a course
- be addicted to (a drug)
- be fooled by; fall for (a trick)
- cost; have as its price
- Hur mycket går CD-spelaren på?
- How much does the CD player cost?
- Hur mycket går CD-spelaren på?
- talk incessantly
- get on (a vehicle of public transportion)
- Gå på buss 20.
- Get on bus 20.
- Gå på buss 20.
- keep on walking
- This term needs a translation to English. Please help out and add a translation, then remove the text
Usage notes
- attend
- Note that one "går på dagis" (kindergarten), "går på universitetet" (university) but "går i skola" (school).
See also
- gå på en blåsning
- gå på i ullstrumporna
- pågå