Definition 2025






  1. (auxillary) to can, be able


Personal forms
Indicative Conditional Imperative
Present Imperfect Preterite Future Present Imperfect
1s gallan gallen gallis gallin gallfen galljen -
2s gallez galles galljout galli gallfes galljes gall
3s gall galle gallas gallo gallfe gallje gallet
1p gallomp gallemp galljomp gallimp gallfemp galljemp gallomp
2p gallit gallec'h galljoc'h gallot gallfec'h galljec'h gallit
3p gallont gallent galljont gallint gallfent galljent gallent
0 galler galled galljod gallor gallfed galljed -
Impersonal forms Mutated forms
Infinitive: gallout
Present participle: o c'hallout
Past participle: gallet (auxiliary verb: kaout)
Soft mutation after a: a c'hall-
Mixed mutation after e: e c'hall-
Soft mutation after ne/na: ne/na c'hall-
Personal forms
Indicative Conditional Imperative
Present Imperfect Preterite Future Present Imperfect
1s gellan gellen gellis gellin gellfen gelljen -
2s gellez gelles gelljout gelli gellfes gelljes gell
3s gell gelle gellas gello gellfe gellje gellet
1p gellomp gellemp gelljomp gellimp gellfemp gelljemp gellomp
2p gellit gellec'h gelljoc'h gellot gellfec'h gelljec'h gellit
3p gellont gellent gelljont gellint gellfent gelljent gellent
0 geller gelled gelljod gellor gellfed gelljed -
Impersonal forms Mutated forms
Infinitive: gellout
Present participle: o c'hellout
Past participle: gellet (auxiliary verb: kaout)
Soft mutation after a: a c'****-
Mixed mutation after e: e c'****-
Soft mutation after ne/na: ne/na c'****-

Usage notes

  • This verb can either appear as gallout or as gellout, forms with gall- are more common in the infinitive and past participle and forms with gell- appear mostly in conjugated forms however. This difference is also know in Cornish where the same verb gallos sometimes has a gyll- conjugation. These alternative roots are however normalized in Cornish conjugation, see gallos.
  • Gallout can't be conjugated using the auxiliary verb ober like most Breton verbs because it is itself an auxiliary. Thus you have to say ma zi a c'hallan gwerzhañ or me a c'hall gwerzhañ ma zi instead of expected *gallout a ran gwerzhañ ma zi for I can sell my house.


Derived terms

  • galloud

Alternative forms

  • gellout