Definition 2025


game over


The "Game Over" screen from Torus Trooper.


game over

  1. (video games) A message usually signaling that the player failed a computer or video game, for example by losing all of their lives, although the phrase sometimes follows the score after successful completion of a game.
    • 1984, Robert Maxxe, Arcade
      Before I could figure out what the **** was the object of the game, I hear the thing go boom-boom, and the screen lights up with a sign: game over.
  2. (by extension) The end of some ongoing situation due to either failure or success.
    If your wife finds out about us, it's game over!
    • 2004, Ryan Russell, Stealing the Network: How to Own a Continent, page xxi
      Once we started attacking that network from the inside, it was pretty much game over.
