Definition 2025
Old Spanish
golondrino m (plural golondrinos)
- The chick or young of a barn swallow.
- c. 1250: Alfonso X, Lapidario, f. 27r.
- […] ṕo non faz eſta uertud ſi non ſi eſtudieren amas las piedras en uno, o non fueren dun golondrino pollo.
- […] But it does not have this virtue if both stones are not placed in one, or if they are not from the chick of a swallow.
- […] ṕo non faz eſta uertud ſi non ſi eſtudieren amas las piedras en uno, o non fueren dun golondrino pollo.
- c. 1250: Alfonso X, Lapidario, f. 27r.
- Spanish: golondrino