grand unification theory (plural grand unification theories)
- (physics) A theory that unifies the electromagnetic interaction, the weak interaction, and the strong interaction.
- grand unification, grand unified theory, GUT
theory that unifies fundamental forces
- Arabic: نَظَرِيَّة اَلاِتِّحَاد اَلْكَوْنِيّ اَلْعَظِيم f (naẓariyya l-ittiḥād al-kawniyy al-ʿaẓīm)
- Breton: peurunvanidigezh
- Catalan: teoria de la gran unificació f
- Chinese: 大统一理论 (dài tǒngyī lǐlùn)
- Finnish: suuri yhtenäisteoria, kaiken teoria
- French: grande unification f
- German: große vereinheitlichte Theorie f
- Hebrew: תאוריה מאוחדת גדולה f (teoria me’ukhadot gedolah)
- Japanese: 大統一理論 (だいとういつりろん, daitōitsuriron)
- Korean: 대통일 이론 (daetong-il iron)
- Polish: teorie wielkiej unifikacji
- Portuguese: teoria da grande unificação f
- Russian: тео́рия вели́кого объедине́ния f (teórija velíkovo obʺjedinénija)
- Slovak: teória veľkého zjednotenia f
- Slovene: teorija velikega poenotenja f
- Spanish: teoría de gran unificación f
- Vietnamese: lý thuyết thống nhất lớn