Definition 2025





hæsitancy (plural hæsitancies)

  1. Archaic spelling of hesitancy.
    • 1868: The Minisink Valley Historical Society and the Connecticut Historical Society, Collections of the Massachusetts Historical Society, page 234[duplicate] (The Society)
      He and his men were at breakfast under their shelter, their guns being without, they saw the English coming, but continued eating, & M: Winsl: telling their businesse, Alex: freely & readily, without the least hæsitancy consented to goe, giving this reason why he came not to the court before, viz., because he waited for Capt Willet’s returne from the Dutch, being desirous to speake with him first: They brought him to Mr Collier’s that day, & Govr Prince then living remote at Eastham…
    • 1955: The Northamptonshire Record Society, The Correspondence of Bishop Brian Duppa and Sir Justinian Isham, 1650–1660, page 37
      And though I had allwaies an hæsitancy, and coldness that way, I have of late contracted a greater habit of it, by finding the strange confidence that severall men have, in their different, and contrary expositions.

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