Definition 2025
hapottua (intransitive)
- to acidify (to become more acid)
Inflection of hapottua (Kotus type 52/sanoa, tt-t gradation) | ||||||
indicative mood | ||||||
present tense | perfect | |||||
person | positive | negative | person | positive | negative | |
1st sing. | hapotun | en hapotu | 1st sing. | olen hapottunut | en ole hapottunut | |
2nd sing. | hapotut | et hapotu | 2nd sing. | olet hapottunut | et ole hapottunut | |
3rd sing. | hapottuu | ei hapotu | 3rd sing. | on hapottunut | ei ole hapottunut | |
1st plur. | hapotumme | emme hapotu | 1st plur. | olemme hapottuneet | emme ole hapottuneet | |
2nd plur. | hapotutte | ette hapotu | 2nd plur. | olette hapottuneet | ette ole hapottuneet | |
3rd plur. | hapottuvat | eivät hapotu | 3rd plur. | ovat hapottuneet | eivät ole hapottuneet | |
passive | hapotutaan | ei hapotuta | passive | on hapotuttu | ei ole hapotuttu | |
past tense | pluperfect | |||||
person | positive | negative | person | positive | negative | |
1st sing. | hapotuin | en hapottunut | 1st sing. | olin hapottunut | en ollut hapottunut | |
2nd sing. | hapotuit | et hapottunut | 2nd sing. | olit hapottunut | et ollut hapottunut | |
3rd sing. | hapottui | ei hapottunut | 3rd sing. | oli hapottunut | ei ollut hapottunut | |
1st plur. | hapotuimme | emme hapottuneet | 1st plur. | olimme hapottuneet | emme olleet hapottuneet | |
2nd plur. | hapotuitte | ette hapottuneet | 2nd plur. | olitte hapottuneet | ette olleet hapottuneet | |
3rd plur. | hapottuivat | eivät hapottuneet | 3rd plur. | olivat hapottuneet | eivät olleet hapottuneet | |
passive | hapotuttiin | ei hapotuttu | passive | oli hapotuttu | ei ollut hapotuttu | |
conditional mood | ||||||
present | perfect | |||||
person | positive | negative | person | positive | negative | |
1st sing. | hapottuisin | en hapottuisi | 1st sing. | olisin hapottunut | en olisi hapottunut | |
2nd sing. | hapottuisit | et hapottuisi | 2nd sing. | olisit hapottunut | et olisi hapottunut | |
3rd sing. | hapottuisi | ei hapottuisi | 3rd sing. | olisi hapottunut | ei olisi hapottunut | |
1st plur. | hapottuisimme | emme hapottuisi | 1st plur. | olisimme hapottuneet | emme olisi hapottuneet | |
2nd plur. | hapottuisitte | ette hapottuisi | 2nd plur. | olisitte hapottuneet | ette olisi hapottuneet | |
3rd plur. | hapottuisivat | eivät hapottuisi | 3rd plur. | olisivat hapottuneet | eivät olisi hapottuneet | |
passive | hapotuttaisiin | ei hapotuttaisi | passive | olisi hapotuttu | ei olisi hapotuttu | |
imperative mood | ||||||
present | perfect | |||||
person | positive | negative | person | positive | negative | |
1st sing. | — | — | 1st sing. | — | — | |
2nd sing. | hapotu | älä hapotu | 2nd sing. | ole hapottunut | älä ole hapottunut | |
3rd sing. | hapottukoon | älköön hapottuko | 3rd sing. | olkoon hapottunut | älköön olko hapottunut | |
1st plur. | hapottukaamme | älkäämme hapottuko | 1st plur. | olkaamme hapottuneet | älkäämme olko hapottuneet | |
2nd plur. | hapottukaa | älkää hapottuko | 2nd plur. | olkaa hapottuneet | älkää olko hapottuneet | |
3rd plur. | hapottukoot | älkööt hapottuko | 3rd plur. | olkoot hapottuneet | älkööt olko hapottuneet | |
passive | hapotuttakoon | älköön hapotuttako | passive | olkoon hapotuttu | älköön olko hapotuttu | |
potential mood | ||||||
present | perfect | |||||
person | positive | negative | person | positive | negative | |
1st sing. | hapottunen | en hapottune | 1st sing. | lienen hapottunut | en liene hapottunut | |
2nd sing. | hapottunet | et hapottune | 2nd sing. | lienet hapottunut | et liene hapottunut | |
3rd sing. | hapottunee | ei hapottune | 3rd sing. | lienee hapottunut | ei liene hapottunut | |
1st plur. | hapottunemme | emme hapottune | 1st plur. | lienemme hapottuneet | emme liene hapottuneet | |
2nd plur. | hapottunette | ette hapottune | 2nd plur. | lienette hapottuneet | ette liene hapottuneet | |
3rd plur. | hapottunevat | eivät hapottune | 3rd plur. | lienevät hapottuneet | eivät liene hapottuneet | |
passive | hapotuttaneen | ei hapotuttane | passive | lienee hapotuttu | ei liene hapotuttu | |
Nominal forms | ||||||
infinitives | participles | |||||
active | passive | active | passive | |||
1st | hapottua | present | hapottuva | hapotuttava | ||
long 1st2 | hapottuakseen | past | hapottunut | hapotuttu | ||
2nd | inessive1 | hapottuessa | hapotuttaessa | agent1, 3 | hapottuma | |
instructive | hapottuen | — | negative | hapottumaton | ||
3rd | inessive | hapottumassa | — | 1) Usually with a possessive suffix. 2) Used only with a possessive suffix; this is the form for the third-person singular and third-person plural. |
elative | hapottumasta | — | ||||
illative | hapottumaan | — | ||||
adessive | hapottumalla | — | ||||
abessive | hapottumatta | — | ||||
instructive | hapottuman | hapotuttaman | ||||
4th | nominative | hapottuminen | ||||
partitive | hapottumista | |||||
5th2 | hapottumaisillaan |
Related terms
- hapottaa (transitive)