Definition 2025


hellere end gerne



hellere end gerne

  1. very much; very gladly
    • 2009, Pablo Henrik Llambías, Kærlighedens veje & vildveje, Gyldendal A/S (ISBN 9788702082616), page 26
      Det vil sige kvinder, der minder om mig selv, og som derfor gerne vil pustes liv i, fordi de elsker denne skabthed, fordi de hellere end gerne vil overlade til andre at definere, hvem de selv er.
      That is to say, women who resemble myself, and who therefore wish to be infused with life, because they love this createdness, because they would very much like to leave it to others to define who they are themselves.
    • 2016, M. Leighton, Mørke hemmeligheder: Pretty 3, Gyldendal A/S (ISBN 9788702193350)
      ”Men hvis du ikke tror mig, og du gerne vil med, så vil jeg hellere end gerne vise dig det.”
      ”But if you do not believe me, and if you wish to come with, then I would love to show it to you.”
    • year unknown, Benny Kloth-Jørgensen, Den Røde Pimpernel, (ISBN 9788799682522), page 42
      Desuden var der mindst et halv dusin andre velstående bejlere i hendes omgangskreds, som hellere end gerne ville have givet hende en høj, social status,[sic] hvis hun havde ytret ønske om det.
      Besides, there were at least six other wealthy suitors in her social circle who would have loved to give her a high social status, if she had uttered any desire for it.
    • 2007, Katrine Marie Guldager, Lysgrænsen, Gyldendal A/S (ISBN 9788702056754), page 96
      En anden gang bliver vi forfulgt af et rasende næsehorn, som pludselig kommer ud fra det høje græs og hellere end gerne vil støde sit lange horn ind i bilens bagagerum.
      On another occasion, we are pursued by a furious rhinocerus which suddenly leaves the tall grass and enthusiastically tries to stab its long horn into the luggage compartment of the car.