Definition 2025





holodeck (plural holodecks)

  1. (science fiction) A room that provides holographic simulations for recreation, training, etc.
    • 1999, Annette Kuhn, Alien Zone II: The Spaces of Science-fiction Cinema
      ...the fact that science-fiction film, and indeed much if not most contemporary film, has become a technology on the way to somewhere else, whether that goal turns out to be immersive, interactive, or some holodeck-style fusion of the two.
    • 2002, Kay M Stanney, Handbook of virtual environments
      Building a holodeck will require breakthroughs in sensors, robotics, and mechanical interfaces...
    • 2007, Fritz Allhoff, Patrick Lin, James Moor, Nanoethics
      In such a world, would one want to be hooked up to a pleasure machine or live on a holodeck?