Definition 2025





horrēscō (present infinitive horrēscere, perfect active horruī); third conjugation, no passive

  1. I begin to bristle up; my hair rises on end
  2. I become terrified; I start to dread; I begin to shake


   Conjugation of horresco (third conjugation, active only)
indicative singular plural
first second third first second third
active present horrēscō horrēscis horrēscit horrēscimus horrēscitis horrēscunt
imperfect horrēscēbam horrēscēbās horrēscēbat horrēscēbāmus horrēscēbātis horrēscēbant
future horrēscam horrēscēs horrēscet horrēscēmus horrēscētis horrēscent
perfect horruī horruistī horruit horruimus horruistis horruērunt, horruēre
pluperfect horrueram horruerās horruerat horruerāmus horruerātis horruerant
future perfect horruerō horrueris horruerit horruerimus horrueritis horruerint
subjunctive singular plural
first second third first second third
active present horrēscam horrēscās horrēscat horrēscāmus horrēscātis horrēscant
imperfect horrēscerem horrēscerēs horrēsceret horrēscerēmus horrēscerētis horrēscerent
perfect horruerim horruerīs horruerit horruerīmus horruerītis horruerint
pluperfect horruissem horruissēs horruisset horruissēmus horruissētis horruissent
imperative singular plural
first second third first second third
active present horrēsce horrēscite
future horrēscitō horrēscitō horrēscitōte horrēscuntō
non-finite forms active passive
present perfect future present perfect future
infinitives horrēscere horruisse
participles horrēscēns
verbal nouns gerund supine
nominative genitive dative/ablative accusative accusative ablative
horrēscere horrēscendī horrēscendō horrēscendum


