Definition 2025


how-to-vote card


A how-to-vote card for Western Australian secessionists in a 1933 ballot

Alternative forms

  • how to vote card


how-to-vote card (plural how-to-vote cards)

  1. (Australia) An informational card or leaflet published by a political party and distributed to the general public, usually near voting booths during election time, to indicate how to vote for a particular party.
    • 1984, Bron Stevens, Elections: How? Why? When? page 70,
      Outside polling places supporters of candidates and parties hand out how-to-vote cards to electors.
    • 2010, Nick Economou, Zareh Ghazarian, Australian Politics For Dummies, unnumbered page,
      The practice whereby the parties make strategic decisions on how they advise their voters to order their preferences via the how-to-vote card is known as directing preferences. The crucial point, however, is that how-to-vote cards are advisory only [] .
    • 2010, Paul Davey, Ninety Not Out: The Nationals, 1920-2010, page 312,
      The Queensland Nationals agreed to put One Nation last on their Senate how-to-vote card, a decision that endangered its second candidate on the ticket, O′Chee.