Definition 2025





huomo m (plural huomini)

  1. Obsolete spelling of uomo
    • 1353, Giovanni Boccaccio, Decamerone, Tommaso Hedlin (1527), page 9:
      Lo ſcolare più che altro huomo lieto al tempo impoſtogli andò alla caſa della donna, [...]
      At this the scholar was the gladdest man alive and betook himself at the appointed time to his mistress's house, [...]
    • 1472, Dante Alighieri, La divina commedia: Inferno, Johannes Numeister, Canto I, g10r, line 25-27]:
      Io uidi un fatto a guiſa di leuto ¶ pur chelli aueſſe auuto languinaia ¶ tronca da laltro che lhuomo ha forcuto
      I saw one made in fashion of a lute, ¶ if he had only had the groin cut off ¶ just at the point at which a man is forked.
    • 1532, Niccolò Machiavelli, Il Principe (1537), page 55:
      Occorſe che fu morto Pier'Agniolo Micheli in Lucca, huomo qualificato & di grande ſtimatione [...]
      The death occurred in Lucca of Pier Agnolo Micheli, skilled and regardable man [...]