Definition 2025





incohō (present infinitive incohāre, perfect active incohāvī, supine incohātum); first conjugation

  1. I begin, commence.
  2. I start making, forming.
  3. I make a first draft.


   Conjugation of incoho (first conjugation)
indicative singular plural
first second third first second third
active present incohō incohās incohat incohāmus incohātis incohant
imperfect incohābam incohābās incohābat incohābāmus incohābātis incohābant
future incohābō incohābis incohābit incohābimus incohābitis incohābunt
perfect incohāvī incohāvistī incohāvit incohāvimus incohāvistis incohāvērunt, incohāvēre
pluperfect incohāveram incohāverās incohāverat incohāverāmus incohāverātis incohāverant
future perfect incohāverō incohāveris incohāverit incohāverimus incohāveritis incohāverint
passive present incohor incohāris, incohāre incohātur incohāmur incohāminī incohantur
imperfect incohābar incohābāris, incohābāre incohābātur incohābāmur incohābāminī incohābantur
future incohābor incohāberis, incohābere incohābitur incohābimur incohābiminī incohābuntur
perfect incohātus + present active indicative of sum
pluperfect incohātus + imperfect active indicative of sum
future perfect incohātus + future active indicative of sum
subjunctive singular plural
first second third first second third
active present incohem incohēs incohet incohēmus incohētis incohent
imperfect incohārem incohārēs incohāret incohārēmus incohārētis incohārent
perfect incohāverim incohāverīs incohāverit incohāverīmus incohāverītis incohāverint
pluperfect incohāvissem incohāvissēs incohāvisset incohāvissēmus incohāvissētis incohāvissent
passive present incoher incohēris, incohēre incohētur incohēmur incohēminī incohentur
imperfect incohārer incohārēris, incohārēre incohārētur incohārēmur incohārēminī incohārentur
perfect incohātus + present active subjunctive of sum
pluperfect incohātus + imperfect active subjunctive of sum
imperative singular plural
first second third first second third
active present incohā incohāte
future incohātō incohātō incohātōte incohantō
passive present incohāre incohāminī
future incohātor incohātor incohantor
non-finite forms active passive
present perfect future present perfect future
infinitives incohāre incohāvisse incohātūrus esse incohārī incohātus esse incohātum īrī
participles incohāns incohātūrus incohātus incohandus
verbal nouns gerund supine
nominative genitive dative/ablative accusative accusative ablative
incohāre incohandī incohandō incohandum incohātum incohātū

Derived terms

  • incohāmenta
  • incohātiō
  • incohātīvus
