Definition 2025





jauns m

  1. new, young



From Proto-Baltic *jauˀnás, from Proto-Indo-European *yew- (young) (from *h₂yuh₁en-), with a suffix *-no. In Latvian, this word broadened its meaning to include also “new,” replacing a previous *naujs (new) (compare Lithuanian naũjas (new)). Cognates include Lithuanian jáunas (young), Old Prussian *jaun- in names of people (Jawne, Javne, etc.), Sudovian iaunis, Old Church Slavonic юнъ (junŭ), Russian юный (júnyj), Ukrainian юний (junyj), Czech jinoch (young man), Gothic 𐌾𐌿𐌲𐌲𐍃 ([[juggs [juŋɡs]#Gothic|juggs [juŋɡs]]]), Old High German, German jung, English young, Sanskrit युवन (yuvan), Latin iuvenis.[1]


  • IPA(key): [jaûns]


jauns (def. jaunais, comp. jaunāks, sup. visjaunākais; irreg. adv. (none))

  1. (of people, animals, plants) having relatively low age, young, new
    jauns cilvēks, vīrietisyoung person, man
    jauna sievieteyoung woman
    jaunie lasītāji, vēlētājiyoung readers, voters
    jaunie lācēniyoung bear cubs
    jauns mežsyoung, new forest
    jaunas atvasesyoung, new shoots
    viņa izskatās jaunāka par saviem gadiem ― she looks younger than her years (= age)
  2. (of people) young, typical of youth
    jaunas dienasyoung days, youth
    jauna skaista balssyoung, beautiful voice
    sirdi vajag paturēt jaunu, tad cilvēks nekad nebūs vecs ― one must keep one's heart young, then one will never grow old
  3. (moon) new
    Jauns MēnessNew Moon
  4. new, recent (created, invented, built, established a short time ago)
    jauns ciematsnew village
    jsuns pilsētanew town, city
    jaunas konstrukcijas mašīnasnew construction machines
    jauna sintētiskā šķiedranew (kind of) synthetic fiber
    jauna luga, operanew play, opera
    kas jauns? — what's new? (conversation starter)
  5. new (which has recently mature, which was recently harvested; fresh)
    jaunie kāpostinew cabbage
    jaunā raža ― the new harvest
  6. new, young (having recently begun to act, to work; having little experience)
    jauns skolotājs, ārsts, advokātsnew, young teachers, doctor, lawyer
    jauno autoru apvienībayoung authors association
    jaunais pāris ― the new, young couple (i.e., recently married)
  7. new (recently acquire, purchased; not worn out; not used)
    jauns mētelisnew coat
    jaunas kurpesnew shoes
    tirgoties ar jaunām un lietotām grāmatām ― to trade with new and used books
  8. new (different; not like before)
    sākt jaunu dzīvi ― to begin a new life
    jauns darbsnew work, job
    jauna uztvere, pieeja, metodenew perception, approach, method
    jauni plani, nodominew plans, intentions
  9. new (following a previous one; replacing a previous one)
    sācies jauns gads ― a new year has started
    Jaunie Laiki ― the Modern Times (from 1640 to 1917)
    jaunais gads, jaungads ― New Year
    Jauna Derība ― the New Testament
    jauns ilustrēts izdēvumsnew illustrated edition
    jaunā stila (Gregora) kalendārsnew style (Gregorian) calendar
    jaunā ortografijānew orthography, spelling



Derived terms


  1. Karulis, Konstantīns (1992), jauns”, in Latviešu Etimoloģijas Vārdnīca (in Latvian), Rīga: AVOTS, ISBN 9984-700-12-7