Definition 2025
From Proto-Baltic *jauˀnás, from Proto-Indo-European *yew- (“young”) (from *h₂yuh₁en-), with a suffix *-no. In Latvian, this word broadened its meaning to include also “new,” replacing a previous *naujs (“new”) (compare Lithuanian naũjas (“new”)). Cognates include Lithuanian jáunas (“young”), Old Prussian *jaun- in names of people (Jawne, Javne, etc.), Sudovian iaunis, Old Church Slavonic юнъ (junŭ), Russian юный (júnyj), Ukrainian юний (junyj), Czech jinoch (“young man”), Gothic 𐌾𐌿𐌲𐌲𐍃 ([[juggs [juŋɡs]#Gothic|juggs [juŋɡs]]]), Old High German, German jung, English young, Sanskrit युवन (yuvan), Latin iuvenis.[1]
- IPA(key): [jaûns]
jauns (def. jaunais, comp. jaunāks, sup. visjaunākais; irreg. adv. (none))
- (of people, animals, plants) having relatively low age, young, new
- jauns cilvēks, vīrietis ― young person, man
- jauna sieviete ― young woman
- jaunie lasītāji, vēlētāji ― young readers, voters
- jaunie lācēni ― young bear cubs
- jauns mežs ― young, new forest
- jaunas atvases ― young, new shoots
- viņa izskatās jaunāka par saviem gadiem ― she looks younger than her years (= age)
- (of people) young, typical of youth
- jaunas dienas ― young days, youth
- jauna skaista balss ― young, beautiful voice
- sirdi vajag paturēt jaunu, tad cilvēks nekad nebūs vecs ― one must keep one's heart young, then one will never grow old
- (moon) new
- Jauns Mēness ― New Moon
- new, recent (created, invented, built, established a short time ago)
- jauns ciemats ― new village
- jsuns pilsēta ― new town, city
- jaunas konstrukcijas mašīnas ― new construction machines
- jauna sintētiskā šķiedra ― new (kind of) synthetic fiber
- jauna luga, opera ― new play, opera
- kas jauns? — what's new? (conversation starter)
- new (which has recently mature, which was recently harvested; fresh)
- jaunie kāposti ― new cabbage
- jaunā raža ― the new harvest
- new, young (having recently begun to act, to work; having little experience)
- jauns skolotājs, ārsts, advokāts ― new, young teachers, doctor, lawyer
- jauno autoru apvienība ― young authors association
- jaunais pāris ― the new, young couple (i.e., recently married)
- new (recently acquire, purchased; not worn out; not used)
- jauns mētelis ― new coat
- jaunas kurpes ― new shoes
- tirgoties ar jaunām un lietotām grāmatām ― to trade with new and used books
- new (different; not like before)
- sākt jaunu dzīvi ― to begin a new life
- jauns darbs ― new work, job
- jauna uztvere, pieeja, metode ― new perception, approach, method
- jauni plani, nodomi ― new plans, intentions
- new (following a previous one; replacing a previous one)
- sācies jauns gads ― a new year has started
- Jaunie Laiki ― the Modern Times (from 1640 to 1917)
- jaunais gads, jaungads ― New Year
- Jauna Derība ― the New Testament
- jauns ilustrēts izdēvums ― new illustrated edition
- jaunā stila (Gregora) kalendārs ― new style (Gregorian) calendar
- jaunā ortografijā ― new orthography, spelling
indefinite declension (nenoteiktā galotne) of jauns
masculine (vīriešu dzimte) | feminine (sieviešu dzimte) | ||||||||
singular (vienskaitlis) |
plural (daudzskaitlis) |
singular (vienskaitlis) |
plural (daudzskaitlis) |
nominative (nominatīvs) | jauns | jauni | jauna | jaunas | |||||
accusative (akuzatīvs) | jaunu | jaunus | jaunu | jaunas | |||||
genitive (ģenitīvs) | jauna | jaunu | jaunas | jaunu | |||||
dative (datīvs) | jaunam | jauniem | jaunai | jaunām | |||||
instrumental (instrumentālis) | jaunu | jauniem | jaunu | jaunām | |||||
locative (lokatīvs) | jaunā | jaunos | jaunā | jaunās | |||||
vocative (vokatīvs) | — | — | — | — | |||||
Derived terms
- ↑ Karulis, Konstantīns (1992), “jauns”, in Latviešu Etimoloģijas Vārdnīca (in Latvian), Rīga: AVOTS, ISBN 9984-700-12-7