Definition 2025
jednat impf
- (intransitive) to act
- Je nejvyšší čas jednat.
- (intransitive) to negotiate, to treat
- (reflexive, used with se) to concern, to be about
- Jedná se o nedorozumění.
- Praha je hlavní město České republiky. Jedná se o město ležící na řece Vltavě. — Prague is the capital of the Czech Republic. It is situated on the Vltava river.
Usage notes
- The pattern of phrasing "A je B. Jedná se o C" is often semantically equivalent to "A je B. A je C", and can be rendered as "A is B. It is C". In general, the part "Jedná se o C" has an unclear subject, one that is to be sought somewhere in the sentence that precedes it.
Conjugation table
Present Sg | Present Pl | Future Sg | Future Pl | Past Sg | Past Pl | |
1st person | jednám | jednáme | budu jednat | budeme jednat | jednal/jednala jsem | jednali/jednaly jsme |
2nd person | jednáš | jednáte | budeš jednat | budete jednat | jednal/jednala jsi | jednali/jednaly jste |
3rd person | jedná | jednají | bude jednat | budou jednat | jednal/jednala/jednalo | jednali/jednaly/jednala |
Derived terms
Derived terms