Definition 2025



See also: junk drawer



junkdrawer (plural junkdrawers)

  1. Alternative spelling of junk drawer
    • 2006, Phil Smouse, Jesus Wants All of Me, page 14:
      My heart does not have to be a junkdrawer full of worries and doubts.
    • 1993, Edmund Pennant, Askance and Strangely: New and Selected Poems, page 45:
      In as many drawers in my house as there are demon days in a year, you may find old candles laid away for the weird of a winter storm ripping power lines, or for a record-breaking summer night with the thrum of half a million air conditioners threatening a power blackout like the one that once caught us groping in darkness, with two dead flashlights and a junkdrawer choking with nylon cord, piano wire, screws, Band Aids, AA batteries, sewing machine oil, but no candle.
    • 1990, Jeff Duntemann, Assembly language from square one: for the PC AT and compatibles, page 188:
      The flags register is a veritable junkdrawer of disjointed bits of information and it's tough (and perhaps misleading) to just sit down and describe all of them in detail at once.