Definition 2025



See also: kellő




  1. clock (instrument used to measure time)
  2. o'clock (when indicating time)
    Kello on kahdeksan. (lit. "The clock is eight.")
    It's eight o'clock.
  3. time (when asking the time or telling exact time)
    Paljonko kello on? (lit. "How much is the clock?")
    What's the time?
    Kello on 20:32.
    The time is 8:32 pm.
  4. watch (portable or wearable timepiece)
  5. timer (device that gives an alarm after a specified time)
    munakello = egg timer
  6. clock (metaphor for regularity)
    Hän tuli joka päivä kellon tarkkuudella.
    He arrived every day with clocklike regularity.
  7. (nautical, aviation) o'clock (used to indicate direction in relation to the vessel's position so that 12 is straight ahead and 6 is straight behind)
    Tunnistamaton lentokone kello kahdessa!
    An unidentified aeroplane at two o'clock!
  8. bell (object made of metal or other hard material, which resonates when struck)
    Kenelle kello soi?
    For whom the bell tolls?
  9. bell (signal at a school)
  10. bellflower (plant of the genus Campanula)
    harakankello, spreading bellflower, C. patula
    hirvenkello, bristly bellflower, C. cervicaria
    kiirunankello, arctic bellflower, C. uniflora
    kissankello, bluebell, harebell, C. rotundifolia
    kurjenkello, peach-leaved bellflower, C. persicifolia
    peurankello, clustered bellflower, C. glomerata
    ukonkello, wide-leaved bellflower, C. latifolia
    varsankello, nettle-leaved bellflower, C. trachelium
    vuohenkello, creeping bellflower, C. rapunculoides


Inflection of kello (Kotus type 1/valo, no gradation)
nominative kello kellot
genitive kellon kellojen
partitive kelloa kelloja
illative kelloon kelloihin
singular plural
nominative kello kellot
accusative nom. kello kellot
gen. kellon
genitive kellon kellojen
partitive kelloa kelloja
inessive kellossa kelloissa
elative kellosta kelloista
illative kelloon kelloihin
adessive kellolla kelloilla
ablative kellolta kelloilta
allative kellolle kelloille
essive kellona kelloina
translative kelloksi kelloiksi
instructive kelloin
abessive kellotta kelloitta
comitative kelloineen


Derived terms




From a Germanic language (compare Swedish skälla (bell)).


kello (genitive kellon, partitive kelluo)

  1. clock