Definition 2025





kluss (def. klusais, comp. klusāks, sup. visklusākais; irreg. adv. klusi, klusu, klusām)

  1. (of sounds) soft, quiet, silent (barely hearable, weak, not loud)
    klusa dziesma, mūzikaquiet song, music
    runāt klusā balsī ― to talk in a soft, quiet voice
    klusi soļiquiet steps
    kluss saucienssilent cry, call
  2. (of placess, moments) quiet, silent (where, when there are no loud sounds; where, when there are no sounds)
    dienā ciems bija pavisam kluss ― during the day the village was completely silent
    klusa ielaquiet street
    vakars bija ļoti kluss ― the night was very quiet
    pekšņi visapkārt kļuva kluss ― suddenly it became quiet everywhere
  3. (of places) quiet, calm (where there are no crowds, not much traffic)
    kluss pilsētas rajonsquiet town district
    kluss apvidusquiet area, region
  4. (of people) quiet (not talkative)
    Marta ir klusa un nopietna ― Marta is quiet and serious
    Krišs sēdēja kluss ― Krišs sat quietly, in silence
  5. (of thoughts, mental states, feelings) quiet, silent (not openly expressed)
    kluss naidsquiet, silent hatred
    klusa laimequiet happiness
    klusas sāpesquiet pain
  6. (of paintings, colors) quiet, calm (without strong contrast, without many nuances, without strong tone differences)
    patīkama akvareļu klusā krāsu saskaņa ― a pleasant, calm watercolor harmony
  7. (of periods of time, actions) quiet, calm (without special significance, without important events)
    lielajam uzbrukumam sekoja klusas dienas — the big attack was followed by calm, quiet days
    un tad bija bēres: klusas un trūcīgas ― and such was the funeral: quiet and poor



Derived terms


  1. Karulis, Konstantīns (1992), kluss”, in Latviešu Etimoloģijas Vārdnīca (in Latvian), Rīga: AVOTS, ISBN 9984-700-12-7