Definition 2025



See also: Appendix:Variations of "lua"

Old Portuguese


Proper noun

lũa f

  1. The Moon.
    • 13th century, attributed to Alfonso X of Castile, Cantigas de Santa Maria, To codex, cantiga 423 (facsimile):
      Eſta primeira é de comel fez ó çeo. ⁊ á terra. ⁊ ó mar ⁊ o ſol. ⁊ á lũa. ⁊ as eſtrelas ⁊ todalas outras couſas q̇ ſon. ⁊ como fez ó ome áſa ſemellança
      This first one is (about) how He made the heaven, and the earth, and the sea, and the sun, and the moon, and the stars, and everything else that exists. And how (He) made man in His own likeness.
