Definition 2025
- present active infinitive of lābor
- LABI in Charles du Fresne du Cange’s Glossarium Mediæ et Infimæ Latinitatis (augmented edition, 1883–1887)
- nominative plural masculine form of labs
- well; adverbial form of labs
- well (corresponding to certain requirements or expectations)
- labi padarīt darbu ― to do one's work well
- labi nomazgāt rokas ― to wash one's hands well
- labi dziedāt ― to sing well
- labi atskaņot melodiju ― to play the melody well
- skolnieks mācās labi ― the student learns well
- bērns guļ labi ― the child is sleeping well
- darbs veicas labi ― the work is done well
- saruna beidzās labi ― the conversation ended well
- viss būs labi ― everything will be well, OK
- rēta dzīst labi ― the scar is healing well
- rudzi auga labi ― the rye grew well
- nazis griež labi ― the knife cuts well
- well (intensively, attentively)
- labi ieklausīties troksnī ― to listen well to the noise
- labi izskraidīties ― to run well
- well (fairly completely, comprehensively)
- labi pazīt apvidu ― to know the area well
- labi pārdomāt jautājumu ― to think well, thoroughly about the question
- labi saredzēt tālumā kuģi ― to see the ship well in the distance
- saule jau bija labi pakāpusies virs apsnigušajiem mežiem ― the sun had already risen well above the snow-covered forests
- well (in harmony, without problems, conflicts)
- senāk bija divi brāļi, labi kopā sadzīvoja ― in the past there were two brothers, they lived well together
- good, well (following moral rules, politely, considerate)
- labi audzināti dēli ― well brought up sons
- nav labi aizmirst savus vecākus ― it is not good to forget one's parents
- well (normally, without difficulty)
- zēns labi redz ― the boy sees well
- sirds darbojas labi ― (his) heart works well
- well, good (pleasantly, tastily, comfortably)
- ceriņi smaržo labi ― lilacs smell good
- labi būt ar draugiem ― to be well (= comfortably, pleasantly) with friends
- es dzīvoju labi ― I live well
- well (without physical or psychological problems, healthy)
- pēc operācijas slimnieks jūtas labi ― after the operation the patient feels well
- well (quite a lot, satisfyingly much)
- labi samaksāt ― to pay well
- well (very, quite)
- labi gara lente ― a very (lit. well) long ribbon
- labi dziļa bedre ― a quite (lit. well) deep pit
- labi agri pamosties ― to wake up very (lit. well) early
- (as a particle) OK, right (marking agreement, approval)
- “labi”, viņa saka ― OK, she said
- labi! es braucu! ― OK, I'll go
- tu rītvakar atnāc pie manis, labi? ― tomorrow night you are coming to my (house), right?
- good, well (marking good progress, good result, e.g. at school)
- tajā ir tikai atzīmes “labi” un “teicami” ― in it (= report) there are only the grades “good” and “excellent”