Definition 2025
landa m
- indefinite accusative singular of landi
- indefinite dative singular of landi
- indefinite genitive singular of landi
- indefinite accusative plural of landi
- indefinite genitive plural of landi
landa n
- indefinite genitive plural of land
landa (present landar, preterite landade, supine landat, imperative landa)
- (intransitive, aviation) to land; to descend
- (transitive, aviation) to land; to bring to the ground
- Det kan vara svårt att landa en helikopter.
- It can be tricky to land a helicopter.
- Det kan vara svårt att landa en helikopter.
- (intransitive, nautical) to land; to reach a harbour
- Den 1 mars landade Napoleon på Frankrikes kust.
- On March 1st, Napoleon landed on the coast of France.
- Den 1 mars landade Napoleon på Frankrikes kust.
- (transitive, fishing) to land; to bring ashore, to harvest from the sea
- I Råneå säljs cirka 300 kort och i fjol landades 18.000 godkända kräftor.
- At Råneå some 300 [fishing license] cards are sold and last year 18,000 certified crayfish were landed.
- I Råneå säljs cirka 300 kort och i fjol landades 18.000 godkända kräftor.
Conjugation of landa
Related terms
- Arlanda
- landning