Definition 2025


leg- -bb



leg- -bb

  1. -est. Used to form the superlative of adjectives.
    apró (tiny)legapróbb (tiniest)

Usage notes

  • Harmonic variants:
    leg- -b is added to words ending in a consonant, a somewhat archaic variant
    idős (old)legidősb (oldest) (the modern comparative is legidősebb)
    leg- -bb is added to words ending in a vowel. Final -a changes to -á-. Final -e changes to -é-.
    drága (expensive)legdrágább (most expensive)
    fekete (black)legfeketébb (blackest)
    leg- -abb is added to back vowel words ending in a consonant
    fiatal (young)legfiatalabb (youngest)
    leg- -obb is added to back vowel words ending in a consonant
    nagy (large)legnagyobb (largest)
    leg- -ebb is added to front vowel words ending in a consonant
    öreg (old)legöregebb (oldest)

See also

  • Appendix:Hungarian suffixes