Definition 2025
- IPA(key): [līɛ̄ls]
liels (def. lielais, comp. lielāks, sup. vislielākais; adv. lieli)
- big, large (being more than the size of other similar objects, creatures, etc.)
- liels trauks ― big bowl
- liels cilvēks, dzīvnieks ― large person, animal
- lielas rokas ― large hands
- liels ezers ― big lake
- liela pilsēta ― large city
- big, large (being more than the appropriate size)
- kurpes ir par lielām ― the shoes are too big
- big, large (going a longer distance)
- liels atvēziens ― big swing
- (of sounds) intense, loud
- mašīnu troksnis bija tik liels, ka cilvēku sarunas tikko varēja sadzirdēt ― the machine noise was so loud that one could hardly hear conversations
- high, great, large (having a higher numerical value than usual or normal)
- liels ātrums, blīvums, spiediens ― high speed, density, pressure
- liels svars ― great, heavy weight
- liels skaits ― large number, amount
- liels skaitlis ― large number, cipher
- liela peļņa ― large profit
- liela nauda ― large (sum of) money
- liels piena izlaukums ― high milk yield
- liela taukvielu koncentrācija ― high fat concentration
- used with numerical values (in the accusative)
- simt paskalu liels spiediens ― a pressure of (lit. big of) 100 pascals
- divas tonnas liela masa ― a mass of (lit. big of) two tons
- vienu metru liels diametrs ― a diameter of (lit. big of) one meter
- Andoras republikas teritorija ir 465 kvadrātkilometrus liela ― the territory of the Republic of Andorra is 465 square kilometers (lit. 465 square kilometers big)
- big, grown-up, adult
- Liene ar Juri izauga lieli ― Liene and Juri grew big (= grew up)
- lielie ļaudis nav slikti, vismaz tādi kā Ilgas vecmāmiņa ― big people (= grown-ups) are not bad, at least those like Ilga's grandmother
- big, large (having many members;)
- liela ģimene ― large family
- (of feelings, mental states) big, intense (more intense, more intensely felt)
- liels uztraukums, nogurums ― big excitement, tiredness
- lielas bēdas ― great sorrow
- liela mīlestība ― great love
- big, major, important (having strong influence, being strongly felt, having an impact)
- liels trūkums ― big drawback
- liela nabadzība ― great poverty
- dzīvot lielā pārticībā ― to live in great prosperity
- saņemt lielu dāvanu ― to receive a big present
- (of events, actions) more intense, with more intense effects
- liels uzbrukums ― large attack
- liela cīņa ― big fight
- lieli svētki ― big holidays, big celebration
- (of duty, position) important, influential
- liels amats ― great, important position, office
- (of situations) great, big (offering many possibilities)
- lielas priekšrocības ― great advantages
- liela izvēle ― big choice
- (of people) great, very skilled; passionate; notable, excellent
- liels amatnieks, organizators, palīgs ― great craftsman, organizer, helper
- liela šuvēja ― great seamstress
- liels grāmatu lāsītājs ― great book reader
- liels makšķernieks ― great fisherman
- liels rakstnieks, gleznotājs, mūziķis, melis ― great writer, painter, musician, storyteller
- liels varonis ― great hero
- lieli draugi ― great friends
- (of people) big, important, rich
- liels muižnieks ― great lord, gentleman
- liels namīpašnieks ― great landlord
- (of events, art, time periods) great, major, important, significant, influential
- lielais karš ― the great war
- izvirzīt lielus mērķus ― to identify major goals
- lielais balets ― great ballet
- liels laikmets rada lielu dzeju ― a great era creates great poetry
indefinite declension (nenoteiktā galotne) of liels
masculine (vīriešu dzimte) | feminine (sieviešu dzimte) | ||||||||
singular (vienskaitlis) |
plural (daudzskaitlis) |
singular (vienskaitlis) |
plural (daudzskaitlis) |
nominative (nominatīvs) | liels | lieli | liela | lielas | |||||
accusative (akuzatīvs) | lielu | lielus | lielu | lielas | |||||
genitive (ģenitīvs) | liela | lielu | lielas | lielu | |||||
dative (datīvs) | lielam | lieliem | lielai | lielām | |||||
instrumental (instrumentālis) | lielu | lieliem | lielu | lielām | |||||
locative (lokatīvs) | lielā | lielos | lielā | lielās | |||||
vocative (vokatīvs) | — | — | — | — | |||||
Derived terms
Etymology 2

From Proto-Indo-European *lei- (“to bend”), from the stem *el- (“to bend”), whence also elkonis (“elbow”)); compare also laiva (“boat”), leja (“valley”). The original meaning was probably “bending, curvature.” A similar semantic development can be seen in Sanskrit आणिः (āṇiḥ, “leg above knee”) (< *arṇí- < *elni-), Armenian ոլոք (olokʿ, “shinbone”) (< *elok- / *olok-). Another suggestion has liels (“shin, calf (of leg)”) be the nominalized form of the adjective liels (“great, large, big”) with intonational change.[1]
- IPA(key): [liɛ̂ls]
liels m (1st declension)
- (anatomy) shin (part of the leg from the knee to the ankle; syn. apakšstilbs, stilbs)
- tikai nupat viņš sajuta sūrstošas sāpes kreisās kājas lielā ― only then did he feel a sharp pain in his left leg's shin
- an annual hard widening or growth on a tree (especially conifer) trunk on one side (e.g., on spruces)
- (annual hard widening or growth on a tree): lielainums
Declension of liels (1st declension)
- apakšstilbs, stilbs
- lielainums
- 1 2 Karulis, Konstantīns (1992), “liels”, in Latviešu Etimoloģijas Vārdnīca (in Latvian), Rīga: AVOTS, ISBN 9984-700-12-7