Definition 2025


love up



love up

  1. (intransitive) Demonstrate affection.
    • 2009, L. Lee Cowan, Except for All the Snakes, I Just Love It Out Here, ISBN 1608443612, page 122:
      Two or three times a day, I bundle up, put on my boots, go out the front door, sit in Greigg's glider and love up on Cork a bit — he's never far from the door.
    • 2013, Stephanie Perry Moore, Wearing My Halo Tilted, ISBN 075829140X:
      And I had spent so much great time loving up on my kids.
  2. (transitive) Demonstrate affection for; treat in a loving way.
    • 2010, Lavonne Ellis & David Crandall, Customer Love, page 57:
      Don't just help people, don't just love up your customers, do it in a way that is consistent with your desired position in your community.
  3. (transitive) Accept, love wholeheartedly.
    • 2013, Kathy Freston, The Lean, ISBN 1602861986, page 111:
      Look back at the list several times today, and then a few times a day in the following days, so that you are checking in regularly and loving up your shadow.
  4. (transitive) To make love to.
    • 2009, Arlene Gorey, My Spanking Diary - Page 28
      I was just in my pajamas and slippers, and I blushed because she was looking at me. Then she whispered, "Take off your jammies, and love me up good, Arlene. Please, I want you to."

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