
A mass grave in Burgos, Spain
mass grave (plural mass graves)
- a grave containing many human corpses, either as the result of natural disaster or war
a grave with many human corpses
- Chinese:
- Mandarin: 萬人坑 (zh), 万人坑 (zh) (wànrénkēng), 萬人塚 (zh), 万人冢 (zh) (wànrénzhǒng)
- Finnish: joukkohauta (fi)
- French: (in a war or any other zone of conflict (corpses are anonymous and not put in a coffin) charnier (fr) m; (natural desaster, war, etc. (corpses are put in a coffin and totally or partiallly identified)) fosse commune (fr) f
- German: (in a war or any other zone of conflict (corpses are anonymous and not put in a coffin) Massengrab (de) n; (natural desaster, war, etc. (corpses are put in a coffin and totally or partiallly identified)) Sammelgrab n